Presentation summary of the results and ongoing activities in each Work Package by Work Package leaders:
Task 1: Micro Sensors & Sensing Techniques / David Newport -
Task 2: Sampling & Analysis μSystems / Dimitris Valougeorgis -
Task 3: Energy Recovery μSystems / Stefan Stefanov
EB meeting extended to Task Coordinators.
J. J. Brandner,
M. Knapp,
I. Graur,
G.L. Morini,
M. Delanaye,
L. Baldas,
D. Newport,
D. Valougeorgis,
S. Stefanov
First part of the annual SB meeting.
1 representative of each Beneficiary and each Associate,
Network Coordinator,
ESRs representative,
Administrative Coordinator (Invited),
Training & Events Coordinator (Invited)