3rd MIGRATE Workshop & Summer School
24-29 Jun 2018 FURIANI (France)

Organizers and Scientific Committee

 Workshop & Summer School Scientific Committee


Erik Arlemark                        ASML

Lucien Baldas                        Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse

Juergen J. Brandner               Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Stéphane Colin                      Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse

Michel Delanaye                   MITIS SA

Stéphanette Englaro               In'Air Solutions

Ryan Enright                          Nokia Bell Labs, Ireland

Aldo Frezzotti                        Politecnico Milano

Arjan J.H. Frijns                    Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Katja Haas-Santo                   Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Stéphane Le Calvé                 ICPEES – University of Strasbourg

Irina Graur Martin                 Aix-Marseille University

Gian Luca Morini                  Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna

David Newport                       University of Limerick

Dimitris Valougeorgis            Panepistimio Thessalias – University of Thessaly

Stefan Stefanov                       Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Martin Wüest                          INFICON

Yonghao Zhang                      University of Strathclyde


Summer School and Workshop Organizers:


Global organization:            Dr. Lucien Baldas (lucien.baldas@insa-toulouse.fr) or

                                             Prof. Stéphane Colin (stephane.colin@insa-toulouse.fr)

Local organization:              Prof. Irina Graur Martin (irina.martin@univ-amu.fr) or

                                             Dr. Pierre Perrier (pierre.perrier@univ-amu.fr)

Network Coordinator:          Prof. Juergen Brander (juergen.brandner@kit.edu) or

                                              Dr. Katja Haas-Santo (katja.haas-santo@kit.edu) or

                                              Dr. Martin Knapp (martin.knapp@kit.edu)


These events are jointly organized by Aix-Marseille University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and INSA Toulouse with the financial support from the LABEX "Mécanique et Complexité".


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